Company denies plans to build shopping complex in area neighboring Istanbul’s Emirgan Grove

Emlak Housing GYO bought the property from the Privatization Administration last year and stated that it would build two-story buildings in the area instead of a shopping complex. The Istanbul Municipality, meanwhile, has issued a written statement that the property is not included inside the Emirgan Grove itself.
However, environmental organizations have opposed construction in the areas neighboring the Emirgan Grove and the Bosphorus.
The company refuted allegations that a large shopping complex and skyscrapers were planned to be built, adding that they will build two-story buildings that “accord with the city’s silhouette.”
“The zoning plan of this area was approved by the Ministry of Tourism. We have to comply with all regulations,” Murat Kurum, the general director of Emlak Housing GYO, told daily Hürriyet.
“The plan allows for the construction of two-story buildings. We are planning to build hotels, apartments and restaurants in the area. Why would we build a shopping complex? There is already a shopping area nearby,” Kurum added.
The company has also stated it has not applied to change the current zoning plan.
The zoning plan allows for the construction of a tourism facility and a park in the area. According to the plan, 48,000 square meters of the designated area could be used as a park, and the construction plans of the tourism facility must comply with regulations. In total, 108,700 square meters of the 158,497 square-meter area will be under construction.
Emlak Housing GYO will put the area to tender on March 3, 2015.