CHP leader vows to make deal with Assad over return of refugees

CHP leader vows to make deal with Assad over return of refugees

CHP leader vows to make deal with Assad over return of refugees

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) has announced his intention to make a deal with Syrian President Beshar Assad for the return of more than three million refugees if he comes to power in the next election.

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“Life and property security of the Syrians should be secured [for their return]. What will happen if they are attacked once again? That’s why we should make a protocol with Assad. And if needed, the U.N. should also be involved in this process,” Kılıçdaroğlu stated at a ceremony for the registration of the new members to the party on Aug. 18.

Kılıçdaroğlu reiterated his vow to send all the refugees back to their country within two years after his party comes to power. “There are two main sorts of refugees: First, Syrians who fled war and second Afghans coming to Türkiye via Iran,” he suggested.

The people of Türkiye provided shelter to Syrians escaping from the civil war but the government’s policy of allowing them to freely travel across the country was wrong, Kılıçdaroğlu stated. “They had to be sheltered in certain locations. But now the Syrians are residing in all 81 provinces and they have become a majority in some provinces like Kilis,” the CHP leader said.

He always suggested that dialogue must be built with the Assad regime for the return of Syrians and now the government is signaling to do so, Kılıçdaroğlu said, describing this as a positive move. The return of Syrians requires certain preparations, both political and logistical, the CHP leader said, “They will return but they need roads, hospitals, schools… We will construct all of them and ask for the assistance of the EU and other organizations.”

As for the Afghans, Kılıçdaroğlu said they came to Türkiye through illegal routes and the government will return them to Iran as they came from this country.

Turkish, Politics, opposition party,