CHP leader refutes claims of joint constitutional work

The Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu refuted the claims that his party, along with İYİ (Good) Party, People’s Democratic Party (HDP), and Felicity Party had conducted a joint study to make a new constitution in 2018.
Recalling the claim by İYİ Party Deputy Ümit Özdağ, Kılıçdaroğlu on Nov. 15 stated the allegation did not reflect the truth.
“There is no such constitutional work. I am watching this debate with amazement,” the CHP leader said, addressing a group of heads via videoconference.
Kılıçdaroğlu said he attended the meeting of Turkey Social, Economic and Political Research Foundation (TÜSES) in which opinions on a new constitution was also expressed, adding that Felicity Party Chair Temel Karamollaoğlu and Future Party leader Ahmet Davutoğlu were also present at the meeting.
“We discussed the Middle East. TÜSES is a non-governmental organization. They also held a meeting on the constitution. Academics present also expressed their views,” he said, stressing that an effort to draw out a new constitution was not on their agenda.
He emphasized that a single party “cannot prepare a constitution in its kitchen.”
“It was never the case that we sat down with four parties and drafted the constitution,” he said.
“Moreover, I [always] speak of the democratic parliamentary system that needs to be strengthened. Many leaders of political parties, who believe in democracy, also speak of a strengthened democratic parliamentary system. What can be understood from the strengthened democratic parliamentary system is that the parties work exclusively in their teams,” he stated.
Recalling that Davutoğlu stated that they were conducting a study on this subject and that they would visit political parties and express their views in the coming days, Kılıçdaroğlu said the party he would first apply would be İYİ Party to get the opinion of its leader Meral Akşener if such a study would be on their agenda.
Özdağ recently claimed that İYİ Party had been a part of joint work on a new constitution with the HDP.
Özdağ earlier suggested that his party’s Istanbul head was a member of FETÖ, and therefore, the deputy was referred to the disciplinary committee of the İYİ Party.
Özdağ’s claims came after his name was dropped from the İYİ Party’s executive management list by another top İYİ Party figure, Koray Aydın, ahead of the party congress.