CHP leader predicts early polls in less than two years

CHP leader predicts early polls in less than two years

CHP leader predicts early polls in less than two years

Main opposition leader Özgür Özel has suggested that Türkiye may go to early polls in less than two years due to the government’s inability to tackle growing economic problems.

“In my opinion, the government cannot fulfill its five-year mandate. I envisage early polls one-and-a-half years from today,” Republican People’s Party (CHP) head Özel told journalists on June 27.

“Do I personally want the early elections? Yes, I want them even next weekend,” he said.

Türkiye went to parliamentary and presidential elections in May 2023 and under normal conditions both President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the parliament has a mandate until May 2028.

The CHP’s victory in local polls in March 2024 has triggered calls for early polls among the opposition groups although Özel had said he won’t do it because he is aware that many people voted for his party to elect local mayors.

“I had made clear that the early polls can only be held if the people demand them. I was criticized for saying that,” Özel said.

Recalling his observations that more people are now demanding that there is a need of a government change, he stated.

“We will sure voice louder in line with the people’s demand for early polls. There is a need of at least 360 votes at the parliament. Technically speaking, it is not possible if the government does not endorse it.”

Having said that, Özel underlined that economic difficulties are getting worse and the government’s actions against soaring inflation are not helping to recover the people’s economic resistance.

“If you don’t increase the minimum wage, if you do close your ears to the complaints of the retired while the pensions are around 10,000 liras, if you destroy tea and nut producers and increase the taxes of the shopkeepers while erasing the tax fines of certain constructors then the people will ask for early polls and unseat you,” he said.