CHP convention kicks off with bylaw discussions

CHP convention kicks off with bylaw discussions

CHP convention kicks off with bylaw discussions

The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) on Sept. 6 officially launched a convention aimed at amending the party's charter and preparing for future elections.

After an opening speech by party leader Özgür Özel, the convention in the capital Ankara continued behind closed doors.

Delegates, honorary board members and former chairs were in attendance.

Before the speech, a video presentation highlighted Özel's 10-month tenure as party leader, followed by footage showcasing the CHP’s gains in the recent local elections.

“Today, I am proud to say this and I want you all to repeat it everywhere: CHP is the leading party in Türkiye," Özel told attendees.

Central to the discussions was whether the CHP will hold primary elections for parliamentary and mayoral candidates in future races, media reports said.

The debate on limiting party members to three consecutive terms on key party boards, including parliament seats, was also expected to take center stage.

A commission formed last month finalized draft amendments to the party's bylaw on Sept. 5. The text was the product of collaboration between a 60-seat party assembly, deputies and other internal boards.

After the charter discussions, a weekend workshop will focus on preparing a broader program for the party, described by party officials as the "CHP's march to power."

“The old Türkiye is now behind us... We will continue to walk on this right path that requires courage," Özel said in his speech.

“What we need to do is to march to power by uniting with society. Our path is the path to power.”

The convention commenced symbolically on Sept. 4 in the central city of Sivas, commemorating the 105th anniversary of a 1919 congress that sought to unify delegates from the Ottoman Empire during the War of Independence.