Chad receives new aircraft, UAVs from Türkiye

Chad receives new aircraft, UAVs from Türkiye

Chad receives new aircraft, UAVs from Türkiye

The Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) has announced the delivery of three Hürkuş basic trainer aircraft and two Anka unmanned aerial vehicles to Chad.

Haberin Devamı

In a video posted by the Chadian Defense Ministry, the Armée de l'Air Tchadienne (Chad Air Force) showcased the new equipment to President Mahamat Déby.

The Hürkuş, a tandem two-seat, low-wing, single-engine, turboprop aircraft, has been designed to serve as an advanced trainer aircraft, light attack aircraft, and armed reconnaissance combat aircraft.

Its purpose is to bridge the training gap between elementary training and fighter aircraft conversion, as well as to fulfill close air support roles in the most demanding operational theaters.

The Anka, on the other hand, was assembled by TUSAŞ engineers and local subcontractors. The drone, part of the medium altitude long-endurance UAV program, was unveiled on July 16, 2010. The program aims to develop three aerial vehicle prototypes and design all necessary ground systems based on defined requirements, completing the prototype and development tests.