Cameras observe wildlife in Turkey’s Küre Mountains
BARTIN - Anadolu Agency

The park holds a certificate from PAN Parks, a non-governmental organization aiming to protect Europe’s wildernesses, and the cameras have been set up within the scope of a project to diversify species. The cameras have so far observed wildcats, sea otters, deer and wild boars.
Küre Mountains National Park Director Ahat Deliorman said the park was selected as one of the 13 most special parks in Europe in 2012, stressing its importance in terms of living space for many different animal species.
“Thirty out of the 132 mammal species living in Tukey can be seen in the park, including caracals, wildcats, sea otters, brown bears and red deer. According to the National Park Development Plan, 129 bird species are living in the park, 46 of which are endangered. In particular, high rocky places overlooking wide valleys are very suitable for sheltering vultures, hawks, eagles and other raptors. A project has been initiated by the directorate of the park, the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, and Bartın University to increase the number of species in the park. Works have been made to diversify the wildlife in the park,” Deliorman stated.
Footage to contribute to scientific works
Deliorman added that up to now they had no data other than feces traces and footprints to determine all the animal species sheltered in the Küre Mountains National Park.
“But now we have 50 motion-triggered cameras and they have observed various species. Sea otters, whose existence in the region was known but who were never before seen, have now been photographed for the first time thanks to these new cameras. This footage will enable us to see the fauna diversification in the park and conduct more scientific research,” he said.
The park director also stressed that hunting animals under protection was punishable by up to five years in jail and a maximum fine of 30,000 Turkish Liras.
The Küre Mountains National Park
The Kure Mountains National Park is one of the nine forest hot spots in Turkey with its natural beauty, geological features, landscape and cultural values. Since 2000, it has been one of the 41 national parks included in Turkey’s protected land system.
The mountains, which start from the Bartin River in the west and which run for 300 kilometers to Kızılırmak River in the east, include canyons, caves and waterfalls, such as the Ilıca Waterfall. Although many parts of the mountain range are effectively wilderness, the mountains are also home to around 120 villages.