Book on Istanbul Biennial published

The newly published book about the 13th Istanbul Biennial brings together a visual narrative of exhibited works throughout the venues, poems and essays.
The book about the 13th Istanbul Biennial, which took place between Sept. 14 and Oct. 20, 2013 with the title “Mom, am I a Barbarian?” has been published.Edited by the curator of the biennial, Fulya Erdemci, with the coordinating editor Demet Yıldız and designed by LAVA Amsterdam, the book provides a comprehensive documentation of the biennial, bringing together a visual narrative of exhibited works throughout the venues, poems by Lale Müldür and Ahmet Güntan, and commissioned essays by Alberto López Cuenca, Andrea Phillips, Dan Hind, İlhan Tekeli, Suhail Malik, Suna Ertuğrul, Süreyya Evren and Teddy Cruz.
Following a foreword by Istanbul Biennial Director Bige Örer, the book continues with Erdemci’s text, in which the curator regards the artworks as protagonists, and highlights their conceptual, thematic and formal interrelations, as well as references to each other. Erdemci seeks to introduce the curatorial thinking, agenda and grammar of the exhibition in the first part of her text, and then goes on in the second part to describe how these ideas and themes were spatially embodied in the five venues of the biennial.
The book can be downloaded for free on the biennial’s website or purchased at İKSV Design Store, and Yapı Kredi Publishing.
Two artists’ books published as part of the 13th Istanbul Biennial, İnci Eviner’s “Co-Action Device: A Study” and Maxime Hourani’s “A Book of Songs and Places” are also available at the İKSV Design Store and on
The 13th Istanbul Biennial was organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV) with the sponsorship of Koç Holding. During five weeks, a total of 337,429 people visited the biennial. The 14th edition of the Istanbul Biennial will take place between Sept. 5 and Nov. 1, 2015 as a city-wide exhibition held at various venues.