Boiler of tax office in Ankara explodes: Governor

Boiler of tax office in Ankara explodes: Governor

Boiler of tax office in Ankara explodes: Governor

An explosion in the boiler room of a tax office rocked the Turkish capital Ankara late on Feb. 1 but there were no immediate reports of casualties.

Haberin Devamı

"An explosion has occurred in the gas boiler room of a building in [the district of] Çukurambar, the cause of which is currently undetermined," Ankara Governor Ercan Topaca wrote on Twitter.

"According to the first reports, there are no dead or injured," he added.

Ambulances rushed to the scene following the sound of the explosion.

Images from the scene showed extensive damage to the building's facade. The windows of buildings and cars were blown out and debris was strewn in the street.

The building had been empty apart from security personnel at the time of the explosion, local media said.