Bodies of two washed ashore on Greek island identified as fleeing Gülenist suspects
Banu Şen - İZMİR

The bodies of two people found washed ashore on the Greek island of Lesbos have been identified as suspects attempting to flee Turkey following an investigation into the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), accused of being behind the July 2016 coup attempt.
Three children were also found drowned alongside the two suspects.
The bodies are revealed to have belonged to a family of five identified as father Hüseyin Maden, 40, a physics teacher, and his wife Nur Maden, 36, a kindergarten teacher.
The two were dismissed from their jobs in a state of emergency decree issued after the failed coup attempt and were accused of being members of a “terror organization” as a part of the investigation.
The family set out in a boat in the Aegean in order to reach Greece 20 days ago.
The bodies of Hüseyin and Nur Maden, along with their children Nadire, Bahar and Feridun, have been laid to rest in Turkey.
Ankara accuses FETÖ of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of various state institutions, particularly the military, the police and the judiciary.