Belgian ornithologists study rare bird species in eastern Türkiye

Belgian ornithologists study rare bird species in eastern Türkiye

Belgian ornithologists study rare bird species in eastern Türkiye

A team of birdwatchers from Belgium has been volunteering in Türkiye’s eastern province of Iğdır to assist with bird ringing and research.

Supported by the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks, the efforts are led by KuzeyDoğa Association, based in the Yukarı Çıyrıklı village in Tuzluca district.

Experts from Türkiye and abroad contribute to the project on a voluntary basis, closely monitoring local bird species by setting up nets, tagging captured birds and collecting important data before releasing them back into their natural environment. Many of the birds are taken to a research center for further observation.

Lowie Lams and Augustjin De Keteleare, both Belgian ringing experts, are among the volunteers who recently joined the efforts.

Lams expressed his admiration for the region’s natural beauty and the warmth of the local community.

“I like it very much, the people are friendly, and the nature is stunning,” Lams said. He also noted the richness of the area’s birdlife, saying, “I sent photos to my Belgian friends, and they were really impressed. My ringing friends are thinking of coming here.”

Lams, who had previously worked in the area, plans to return, particularly in the spring, to observe bird species that he has yet to encounter.

De Keteleare, a biology student with five years of bird ringing experience, echoed Lam’s sentiments. He praised the variety of birds in Iğdır, noting many species in the area are rarely seen elsewhere. “This area of Türkiye is a very important place in terms of species I have not encountered before,” De Keteleare said.

The KuzeyDoğa Association’s head, Çağan Şekercioğlu, who invited the two ornithologists, continues to lead efforts to protect the region’s biodiversity.