Belgian firm promotes Turkish Cyprus

A Belgian tour organizer reached a port city in Turkish Cyprus on Oct. 23 to promote the country and make a charity donation.
The six-person group from the Robinson Club Company started its journey in Vorselaar in Belgium and reached Kyrenia in
Turkish Cyprus with the motto “Discover Northern Cyprus.”
The group is also set to donate 5,000 euros to a kindergarten in Nicosia, the capital of Turkish Cyprus.
The group was welcomed by independent lawmaker Hasan Tacoy and Nicosia Mayor Nidai Güngördü.
The event “is an important event and source of pride,” Tacoy said, adding that Nicosia and Belgium’s Vorselaar have become sister cities.
Cyprus was divided into a Turkish Cypriot state in the north and a Greek Cypriot administration in the south after a Greece-inspired 1974 military coup was followed by violence against the island’s Turks, and Turkey’s intervention as a guarantor power.