Bee infestation raises concerns in Istanbul

A bee infestation in some parts of Istanbul has taken locals by surprise, as they fear bee stings and possible allergic reactions, but an expert has declared that there is no need to be alarmed.
The swarming period, which occurs every spring with honeybees reproducing, has caused some anxiety among locals in Istanbul.
Prof. Dr. Fatih Dikmen, a faculty member at Istanbul University, stated that swarming normally takes place in the places where beekeeping activities are carried out and in the vicinity of it, but as Istanbul has become very crowded and the city has grown, there may be people doing this job in the countryside.
“There may be people who do beekeeping on their balconies or gardens. Even if these bees normally do not harm the people around them, they can wander around from time to time during swarming periods and cluster in the gardens, roofs, parks, and trees of various houses.”
Dikmen also said that they “cannot say that there is a very serious situation to worry about,” stressing that no serious cases have been reported in Istanbul so far.
Dikmen said that though the number of bees may increase in the swarming period, this does not indicate that the honeybee population in Istanbul has increased, nor does it indicate any other situation to worry about, adding that it is only a “continuation of the seasonal process.”
Dikmen also warned people about the importance of following the regulations that prohibit keeping beehives in houses or gardens unless they are under a certain distance from settlements.
Ali Şahbenderoğlu, who is a beekeeper in the Başakşehir district, noted that if citizens see a swarm of bees around their properties, they should report to the provincial directorate of agriculture.