Barrel washed ashore in Ordu found to contain chemical substance

Seven barrels that washed ashore in the Black Sea province of Ordu’s Ünye, Fatsa and Gülyalı districts, have raised concerns.
One of the barrels was found to contain a chemical substance and is set to be destroyed, while six others are under examination by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) teams specializing in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats.
The first discovery was made on Feb. 17 evening at Batur Park Beach in Ünye. The empty barrels tied together were found onshore, prompting authorities to dispatch teams to the scene.
Following an inspection, officials determined that these barrels were non-hazardous and likely fell off an international vessel.
On Feb. 18, residents in Fatsa spotted another set of three barrels tied together and immediately reported the sighting to authorities.
Gendermarie and AFAD teams arrived at the scene, removed the barrels and launched further investigations.
A separate incident occurred in Gülyalı district, where a single barrel was found washed up on the shore midday. Upon inspection, AFAD’s CBRN teams and the Coast Guard determined that the barrel contained a chemical substance.
The Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change took custody of the barrel for safe disposal.