Baksı Museum opens Miro exhibition
BAYBURT - Anadolu Agency

The new exhibition ‘Sculpture Road to Miro’ will continue through April 2015 at Bayburt’s Baksı Museum.
Bayburt’s Baksı Museum has opened the new season with an exhibition titled “Sculpture Road to Miro.”The museum was earlier awarded the Council of Europe Museum Prize 2014 and won the right to display Joan Miro’s sculpture “Femme aux beaux seins” (The Woman with Beautiful Breasts) throughout the year.
The Baksı Museum, which is 45-km-away from the city center, opens its doors every year with a different theme, Miro’s bronze sculpture has become the source of inspiration for the new season’s exhibition.
The founder of the Baksı Museum, Professor Hüsamettin Koçan, said, “We will hold the opening in September here with a big concert. After Dec. 1, 2014, we will bring museum directors, curators and sometime later sponsors.”
Bayburt Governor Mükerrem Ünlüer said Baksı Museum made great contribution to the promotion of Bayburt. “The museum also contributes to women’s employment in the region and promotes regional culture,” he added.