Avalanche hits restricted ski area in Erzurum’s Palandöken

An avalanche struck the skiing-prohibited zone at the renowned Palandöken ski resort in the eastern province of Erzurum on Feb. 15, partially spilling onto the northern ski slope.
Four individuals skiing into the restricted zone triggered the snow slide, while no injuries or fatalities occurred.
Authorities identified the individuals responsible and, in accordance with the safety regulations, imposed a total fine of 11,812 Turkish Liras.
Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi inspected the site and received briefings from officials. Speaking to the press, he confirmed that emergency teams responded swiftly to the incident.
He emphasized that the affected area was off-limits for skiing due to safety concerns. "This location is outside the designated ski area and not suitable for skiing. Necessary warning signs were already in place," he explained, urging skiers to stay within designated areas and avoid restricted zones.
"At 3,200 meters, Palandöken covers a large area and experiences continuous snowfall. I thus request our visitors to ski and snowboard in places that are safe and not to put their own and other people's lives at jeopardy.”
Çiftçi reassured visitors that all open slopes remain safe, with a total of 86 kilometers of secure skiing trails at the ski resorts of Palandöken and Konaklı, highlighting that authorities conduct controlled avalanches to minimize risks. "They are taking the required steps to keep our visitors safe from avalanche hazard. They worked on this matter in four separate locations this morning.”
Çiftçi emphasized that there were currently no unfavorable conditions on any of the province's ski slopes.