Auction presents ‘Girl places a vase’
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

The auction, which will take place at the Swissotel, will also include works by Süleyman Seyyid, Halil Paşa, Hoca Ali Rıza, İbrahim Çallı, Nazmi Ziya and Hikmet Onat.
Osman Hamdi Bey painted the work in 1883 in oil on canvas. The painting is one of the most important paintings in Turkish art history.
Seyyid’s still-life paintings “Strawberries” and “Apples,” Halil Paşa’s “Manoglias,” Çallı’s still life and three of Onat’s Istanbul portraits will also go under the gavel.
Orientalist paintings
The painting of another Orientalist painter, “The bazaar in Istanbul” by Alberto Pasini, as well as Rudolf Ernst’s “Leaving the hamam,” Herman Corrodi’s “Galata Bridge” and Ottoman palace artist Fausto Zonaro’s “Ayaspaşa,” will also be at the event.
The auction will also present works of Turkish calligraphy masters like Yakut-ı Mustasımi, Hafız Osman, Hasan Rıza, Kazasker Mustafa İzzet, Sami Efendi and Hamid Aytaç.
There will be also Ottoman-era antiques.