Erdoğan condemns Israel's 'brutal genocide' in Gaza

Erdoğan condemns Israel's 'brutal genocide' in Gaza

Erdoğan condemns Israels brutal genocide in Gaza

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has condemned Israel's military actions in Gaza, describing them as "one of the most brutal genocides of the last century," while urging an increase in international recognition of Palestine as a state.

"They have lost their humanity to the point of killing babies in incubators, bombing hospitals and places of worship, attacking trucks carrying aid and raining bombs on innocent civilians," Erdoğan said at an event in the capital Ankara on May 22.

His remarks followed continued Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, even as it expressed readiness to resume stalled truce and hostage release negotiations with Hamas.

Global calls for a ceasefire have intensified, with three European nations – Norway, Ireland and Spain – announcing their decision to recognize a Palestinian state.

"Since Oct. 7, one of the most brutal genocides of the last century has been committed in Gaza in front of the eyes of the whole world," Erdoğan said. "Almost all of Gaza was reduced to rubble. They turned Gaza, which was already an open-air hospital due to the blockade... into a huge children's cemetery."

Erdoğan emphasized that the recognition of Palestine and the cessation of violence in Gaza are key topics in his discussions with international leaders.

He praised the leaders of the European trio for their "conscientious decisions that are on the right side of history" and urged other nations to follow suit.

The president also expressed support for the pro-Palestinian university protests that began in the United States and spread to Europe.

"I congratulate the university students, professors and artists who stood up for Palestine and Gaza despite the threats of the Zionist lobby," he said. "I would like to express my gratitude to the conscientious people who fill the streets and squares around the world every week."

Erdoğan accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of exacerbating anti-Semitism to extend his political tenure, claiming it jeopardizes the security of Israeli citizens.

"If Zionist expansionism continues like this, I say openly, our world is ripe for new conflicts," he warned.

He called for international accountability, asserting that "genocidal Israel" should face justice. Erdoğan confirmed Türkiye's support for South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which alleges genocide.

"We are conveying to our interlocutors the information and documents we have that Israel committed the crime of genocide," he stated. "Türkiye stands with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian resistance fighters who heroically defend the land of their birth."

The ICJ previously issued orders directing Israel to take action to prevent death, destruction and acts of genocide in Gaza. In March, the court issued additional provisional measures mandating Israel to enhance the humanitarian situation in Gaza, where experts warn of an imminent famine.