ArtSümer hosts Elif Öner
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Address: Kemankeş Mahallesi, Mumhane Caddesi, ISTANBUL.
ArtSümer is hosting Elif Öner’s exhibition titled “You already know half of the story” until April 27. For her first solo exhibition at artSümer, Öner deals with the theme of “displacement” caused by a market that feeds the culture of nostalgia. She reveals nostalgia for the period during which one lived collectively with non-Muslim communities, and the city has now created a “market” for this culture.In particular, the antique shops in Çukurcuma stand out as the most significant centre for this market. However, the people who deal in these goods have no direct or real interest in this nostalgia or the romanticism of Istanbul. They are merely the “middle men” obliging those who feed off these emotions.
Address: Kemankeş Mahallesi, Mumhane Caddesi, ISTANBUL.