Angel investors to meet in Istanbul

Angel investors to meet in Istanbul

Angel investors to meet in Istanbul

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The World Congress of Angel Investors 2020 (WBAF 2020) will start in Istanbul next week on Feb. 17 with hundreds of participants from 92 countries.

Haberin Devamı

WBAF 2020 will host 132 international speakers on 24 panels, including angel investors, venture capitalists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders from around the globe, Anadolu Agency reported.

The two-day event is expected to be attended by 1,500 delegates and will feature seven summits and two investment meetings. This year’s edition also offers an invaluable opportunity to 100 selected start-up and scale-up companies to pitch their businesses and secure investments.

Business angel investors are high net worth individuals who usually provide smaller amounts of finance ($25,000 to $500,000) at an earlier stage than many venture capital funds are able to invest.

They could invest individually or alternatively invest in syndicates where typically one angel in the syndicate takes a lead role.

Besides capital, angel investors provide business management experience, skills and contacts for the entrepreneur.

They are increasingly investing alongside seed venture capital funds.
