‘Ancient restaurant’ discovered in Burdur

The structure served as a restaurant some 1,500 years ago in Kibyra.
A restaurant dating back 1,500 years has been discovered in the ancient city of Kibyra in the southern province of Burdur’s Gölhisar district. Excavation official İsmail Baytak said they discovered a small furnace alongside three marble tables in the agora section of the ancient city, adding that the uncovered structure indicated a restaurant-like area.“The tables were designed to serve meals. Things like saucepans and teapots were heated in the small furnace. The oven was made with bricks, which is possible to see in today’s ovens because brick keeps heat inside for a long time,” Baytak said.
“The marbles are for 25 people. We also found a tablet with the writing, ‘Filosebaston,’ meaning ‘the place of fellows.’ This is a restaurant-like name,” he added.