Young man earns money as nomad

A young man from the western province of İzmir, who started his dream journey to explore foreign countries and their cultures with a one-way ticket to Sri Lanka, now earns all his income as a nomad as he travels to the 61st country.
Though he got admission to his university’s International Relations and Political Science Department as a student with the lowest degree, he graduated ranking second in his class after winning a scholarship with grades he got in the first year.
During these years, he began to take a great interest in the dynamics of politics and sociology in different countries.
After completing his graduate studies in Israel and Belgium with the scholarships he earned, Öztürk started to travel to almost all countries in Europe all by himself with a backpack.
“My story of hitting the road started without even realizing it because I was never going to stop again,” Öztürk explained.
After working for NATO for a while, as soon as he returned to Türkiye from Belgium, he received an English teaching certificate from one of the most prestigious institutions in the world in the field.
“With my English teaching certificate, I will have a real profession, wherever I am in the world,” Öztürk stated.
Pointing out that he bought a one-way flight ticket in 2017 and went to Sri Lanka, Öztürk said, “I have never stopped since then. I am in New Zealand, which is the 61st country I have visited as of now.”
Though he taught in the early years of his journey, Öztürk has been able to finance his entire life as a content producer who has been sharing his journey via YouTube and Instagram for the past two years.
“Since I have turned my nomadic lifestyle into a profession, I am not looking for a job. I do not have any worries about the future either. I make a living as a nomad,” Öztürk noted.
Emphasizing that the ideas of an adult change radically every five years, Öztürk describes his thoughts about the future as quite far from a settled life and a regular job.
Explaining the reactions given to him in the countries he visited, Öztürk stated that there is a great love and interest in Turkish people, especially in Asian and Far Eastern countries.
“I feel that there is a deep love for Turks, especially in the countries of Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Thailand, or the Far East, such as Japan and Korea,” he added.