World's youngest grandmother is 23: report

World's youngest grandmother is 23: report

Daily Mail

Archival photo from Hürriyet

A Romanian gypsy woman was 23 when her daughter gave birth at the age of 11, Daily Mail reported.

Rifca Stanescu, now 25, was only 12 when she gave birth to her daughter Maria. Maria was 11 when she had her son despite her mother's objections, named Ion, who is now about 2 years old.

Though Rifca wanted Maria to stay in school, she "did not stop [Maria] from getting married because this is the tradition," she was quoted saying. 

With the birth of Ion, Rifca claimed the title of the youngest grandmother in the world from the previous owner, a woman in Yorkshire whose 12-year-old daughter had given her a grandson when she was 26.

It is a common tradition to marry young in gypsy communities.