What to eat: Day 2

What to eat: Day 2

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Breakfast (8 a.m.- 9 a.m.)

• Two medium boiled eggs (or an omelet lightly cooked in butter)
• 8 or 10 unsalted olives (green or black)
• Feta cheese, the size of one’s palm
• 2 or 3 green peppers
• 5 or 6 cherry tomatoes
• Sugar-free tea or milk
• Half-glass of dried hazelnuts

Snacks (optional) (10 a.m.)

• Half-glass of dried walnuts
• Sugar-free tea or water with fresh lemon
Lunch (1 p.m.-2 p.m.)
• Vegetable and meat stew or pinto bean stew in olive oil
• Cabbage or cauliflower salad*
• A glass of unsalted ayran* or a bowl of yogurt*

Snacks (optional) (3 p.m.)

• A medium-sized apple or other fruit in season
• Bowl of yogurt
• Sugar-free tea or Turkish coffee

Dinner (6 p.m.-7 p.m.)*

• Grilled fish
• Pilaki (a cold dish made with white beans and olive oil)
• Fresh onions, arugula and radishes*


1- Cabbage or cauliflower should be eaten raw or steamed.
2- Ayran is a traditional Turkish drink consisting of thinned yogurt with a little salt.
3- Yogurt should be made with the traditional recipe below; low-fat products are prohibited.
4- Salads should only be seasoned with natural vinegar, fresh lemons, extra virgin olive oil, or ground rock salt. The seasoning should include linseed oil.
5- The Karatay Diet does not allow any meals after 8 p.m., not even fruit.
6- The diet advises a 30- or 40-minute walk before going to bed