UTB hosts Türkiye Promotion Day 2024 in Brunei

Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) has organized a Türkiye Promotion Day event.
Following Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), the second "Türkiye Promotion Day 2024," organized this month at UTB, was both entertaining and productive.
The event aimed to raise awareness about the availability of Turkish language courses for the new academic year while promoting Türkiye's art and culture through interactive booths set up near the venue. Participants had the opportunity to experience Turkish calligraphy, try archery, learn about important historical and touristic sites, and enroll in elective Turkish lessons offered to UTB students.
UTB organized the event in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Bandar Seri Begawan and the Brunei Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center (Brunei YETKM). UTB Rector Datin Paduka Prof. Dr. Dayang Hajah Zohrah Haji Sulaiman welcomed the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye, Prof. Dr. Hamit Ersoy, as the guest of honor.
Ambassador Ersoy remarked that Turkish culture is becoming increasingly visible globally and that during his tenure in Brunei, he has witnessed a growing interest in and interaction with Turkish culture.
“The key to a deeper understanding of the charm and treasures of a culture is to learn its language. Thanks to the Turkish language courses regularly conducted at 11 different institutions in Brunei, we have seen a significant increase in interaction between Turkish and Brunei citizens,” Ambassador Ersoy stated.
In his speech, the ambassador emphasized the global significance of Türkiye and the Turkish language, informing students about the wealth of educational and professional opportunities available in Türkiye, including scholarships to study there and exchange programs accessible at all levels.
After the program, participants had the chance to visit exhibitions featuring photographs of Türkiye, calligraphy, as well as booths for Turkish lessons and archery courses.