US citizen working at Turkey’s İncirlik base dies

US citizen working at Turkey’s İncirlik base dies

ADANA – Doğan News Agency
A U.S. citizen who had been working as a fire chief at İncirlik Airbase in the southern province of Adana died on June 13.

Thaddeus Mithcheel Borowicz, 61, realized that he forgot his both his car and apartment keys while he was getting into his car. After returning home, Borowicz tried to break into the 10th floor apartment where he was staying through an open window but fell after losing his balance. As he fell Borowicz’s legs were torn off by the iron door of the building and he died at the scene. Borowicz’s body was sent to the Adana Forensic Medicine Institute for autopsy, as an investigation into the accident was opened.

Meanwhile, locals said they discovered Borowicz’s upper body at the entrance of the apartment and found his legs three meters away. 

According to the initial examinations, Borowicz had fastened a cable to the building’s chimney to use to access the window. He fell when the cable became disconnected. Borowicz’s funeral will be held in the United States.