Unexploded artillery shells detected off Istanbul’s Şile

Unexploded artillery shells detected off Istanbul’s Şile


Some 28 unexploded artillery shells have been detected in the Black Sea, off Istanbul’s northern district of Şile, the provincial governor’s office has announced.

A man swimming at a beach in Şile noticed some metal objects in the sea and reported the situation to the gendarmerie.

Istanbul Governor’s Office stated that investigations conducted by the underwater defense forces confirmed the metal objects were unexploded artillery shells, adding that a diving team retrieved eight of the objects on July 30.

“At least 28 pieces of ammunition were detected. Out of the identified munitions, eight of them were safely brought ashore," the office said in a written statement.

Pointing out that underwater forces continue to sweep the area, the statement said the disposal of the identified munitions will be carried out on Aug. 2 "after necessary safety measures have been taken.”

The coastline will remain closed until the destruction process is completed, while no further explanation was provided regarding the source or the period to which the ammunition belongs.