Unemployment rate rose slightly in April

Unemployment rate rose slightly in April


Türkiye’s unemployment rate inched up from 10.1 percent in March to 10.2 percent in April, the data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) have shown.

The number of unemployed people increased by 74,000 from March to 3.89 million in April.

The unemployment rate among men was 8.1 percent, and among women was 14.3 percent.

The employment rate improved from 47.6 percent to 48.4 percent. This rate was 65.9 percent for men and 31.2 percent for women.

There were 65.3 million people in Türkiye aged above 15, while the country’s total labor force was around 35.2 million, according to TÜİK.

The labor force participation rate was 53.9 percent in April, rising from 53 percent in March.

The unemployment rate among the country’s youth - aged between 15 and 24 – declined from 20.3 percent to 19.1 percent.

The jobless rates among the country’s male and female youth were 15.7 percent and 25.4 percent, respectively.

On a seasonally and calendar-adjusted basis, the average actual weekly working time declined by 0.2 hours from March to 44.4 hours in April, TÜİK also said.

The statistics institute calculated the labor underutilization rate at 23.8 percent in April, up from 22.1 percent in March.