Two kids died from choking on the cap of a syringe-like chocolate tube

Two kids died from choking on the cap of a syringe-like chocolate tube


Two kids in Turkey have died in Ankara and Diyarbakır provinces, from choking on the cap of a syringe-like chocolate tube.

Seven-year-old Mert Yağız Köksal in Ankara's Keçiören district, lost his life after trying to open the cap of the syringe-like chocolate tube and the cap blocking his windpipe.

Umut Bilgi, age 7, also lost his life in Diyarbakır last week after being brought to the hospital for the same reason, according to Demirören News Agency.

Umut, a resident of the Yenişehir district in Diyarbakır province, was taken to Diyarbakır Dicle University Faculty of Medicine by ambulance as a result of the chocolate package cap falling in his throat. He had bought the syringe-shaped chocolate from a store near the school on Nov. 25.

Umut, struggling for nine days, finally died on Dec. 9 despite multiple medical interventions.

His family called on all parents to keep their children away from this product so that no one else would experience the pain of losing a child.

The family also called on the authorities to take measures against syringe-like chocolate tubes.