Türkiye’s smoke-free indoor space project completes its 15th year

Türkiye’s smoke-free indoor space project completes its 15th year


As the country's smoke-free indoor space initiative marks its 15th year on July 19, a representative from a non-governmental organization claims that there has been reduced exposure to cigarette smoke overall in public spaces since the ban came into effect.

The law, which aimed at protecting the public from exposure to cigarette smoke, came into force on July 19, 2009. With its implementation, all buildings owned by public and private law individuals, including places of entertainment, are prohibited from having people consume tobacco products in their confined spaces.

According to the representatives of non-governmental organizations, there has been a notable decline in the number of people exposed to cigarette smoke, particularly in public places like cafes, restaurants, and workplaces since the outset of the project.

Professor Dr. Mustafa Aydın, the chairman of the Turkish Anti-Smoking Association, emphasized the significance of the project in his remarks to the local media.

Aydın emphasized that the ban has resulted in a notable improvement in indoor air quality and has ensured protection for individuals from the harmful effects of passive smoking.

Indicating that the smoking rates have decreased during this 15-year course, Aydın said, “The society's overall smoking habits have also been impacted by this restriction. Social pressure on smokers has escalated, as has the general lack of acceptance of smoking in public.”

The professor underlined that the country's population increased by 14 million from 71 million in 2008 to 85 million in 2023, while the number of smokers remains at 14 million. He added that even though there was no appreciable shift in the overall number of smokers between 2008 and 2023, there was a remarkable decline in cigarette use when taking the growing population into account.

He pointed out that despite a decline in the number of smokers, over 5.4 billion cigarette packages are sold annually in Türkiye, with approximately 14.84 million cigarettes sold daily.