Türkiye’s first lady receives ‘Climate and Development Leadership Award’

Türkiye’s first lady Emine Erdoğan has received the World Bank’s first-ever “Climate and Development Leadership Award” for the pioneering role she has assumed in the fight against climate change with her Zero Waste Project.
“I accept this meaningful award on behalf of all nature lovers who are united for a fair future for our children. I offer my gratitude to the World Bank Türkiye,” Erdoğan said in her speech at the award ceremony held at the State Guest House in the Presidential Complex in the capital Ankara.
Noting that climate change is no longer a mere environmental problem but rather a global crisis deeply affecting the development and welfare of countries and a great concern for the future of humanity, she said: “Türkiye, like all other countries, feels the impact of climate change.”
“We are at a critical threshold in the fight against climate change. Türkiye approaches this crisis by viewing the Earth as our shared home,” she added.
She also underlined that the fight against climate change is multidimensional and “requires the transformation of many sectors, from transportation and industry to agriculture and health.”
Stating that the World Bank leads the way for countries with its 2021-2025 Climate Change Action Plan, the first lady drew attention to the financing and technology support provided by the World Bank aimed at ensuring the implementation of the Paris climate deal.
Voicing her excitement for the upcoming joint projects with the World Bank in areas such as the preservation of forests and seas, flood management, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy, Erdoğan expressed appreciation for the World Bank Group’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) on Türkiye.