Türkiye to make statement before ICJ regarding Israel

Türkiye to make statement before ICJ regarding Israel

Türkiye to make statement before ICJ regarding IsraelTürkiye to make statement before ICJ regarding Israel

Türkiye is among 52 countries that will make an oral statement at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) hearing at the end of February on the legal consequences of Israel's practices in Palestinian territories, a statement by the U.N. top court has revealed.

Alongside 52 other nations, the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the African Union will each deliver 30-minute oral presentations between Feb. 19 and 26. The Turkish delegation’s statement is scheduled for Feb. 26.

In a resolution dated Dec. 30, 2022, the U.N. General Assembly requested the ICJ to express its views on the legal consequences of Israel's actions since the 1967 war, which notably denied Palestinians the right to self-determination.

The ICJ's advisory opinion, distinct from South Africa's case against Israel for violating the Genocide Convention, pertains solely to the legal responsibility of Israel's occupation of Palestine, lacking a contentious dispute between the two states.

Countries, including Türkiye, and international organizations earlier submitted written statements to the ICJ expressing their positions on the questions posed for the advisory opinion.

The ICJ can provide non-binding advisory opinions on questions posed by U.N. organs and other specialized agencies, in addition to adjudicating disputes between multiple states. In a 2004 advisory opinion, the U.N. top court declared that Israel's construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian territories violated international law.