Türkiye 'key actor' since defense investments: Erdoğan

Türkiye 'key actor' since defense investments: Erdoğan


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has emphasized Türkiye's "indispensable" role in regional stability, crediting advancements in the defense industry for its strategic importance.

"In the process that started in 2002, we mobilized every opportunity to maximize indigenousness in the defense industry," Erdoğan stated at a large-scale military exercise in the western city of İzmir on May 30.

The “Efes-2024” drill, involving approximately 9,000 Turkish soldiers and nearly 2,000 foreign personnel from 45 countries, featured a scenario centered on "peace support operations."

“I believe that the exercise will increase the capabilities of our army in the planning, coordination and execution of combined and joint operations,” Erdoğan said. He underscored the necessity of equipping the Turkish Armed Forces with superior equipment and systems.

Erdoğan asserted that Türkiye has emerged as an "indispensable player in its region" due to its defense industry advancements.

"While only 62 defense projects were carried out in 2002, today this number has exceeded thousands. Defense projects with a budget of approximately $5.5 billion in 2002 now have a volume exceeding $96 billion."

Meanwhile, he emphasized Türkiye's dedication to peace.

"We want to live side by side with the countries with which we share the same geography. We have no hostility towards any country. We have no eyes on anyone's land," he said. "We do not leave the hand extended to us hanging in the air. We are ready to strengthen our ties with everyone who wants to cooperate with us."

The exercise began on May 9 and included a "public day" on May 27 for military personnel families and relatives of fallen soldiers and veterans. The event featured land bombardments, artillery and mortar fire supporting amphibious operations and nighttime aerial assaults involving the airlifting of artillery, howitzers and command control vehicles.

The drill concluded on May 30 with an observer day attended by Erdoğan. The Turkish Armed Forces demonstrated their inventory, including indigenous warships, jets, helicopters, UAVs and UCAVs, alongside sea vehicles from the country's first indigenous frigate project.

Erdoğan highlighted the broader context of Turkey's military developments, citing regional crises in Ukraine and Syria.

"Türkiye is not a country far from global developments. We are in the geography where conflicts and crises occur most intensely," he said, underscoring the importance of a robust defense posture.