Turkish, US officials continue Syria talks

Turkish, US officials continue Syria talks

ANKARA-Anadolu Agency

Turkey's presidential spokesman on Nov. 9 received U.S. Syria envoy James Jeffrey and U.S. Ambassador to Turkey David Satterfield in Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul, a statement released after the meeting read.

İbrahim Kalın’s closed-door meeting with the top U.S. officials lasted for 90 minutes and they discussed the recent developments in Syria, as well as details of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's upcoming visit to the U.S.

Earlier, Erdoğan confirmed he will pay a visit to the U.S. on Nov. 13.

The safe zone in northern Syria, the latest situation in Syria's Idlib, the progress in the Syrian political solution process and the work of the Constitutional Committee were also discussed during the meeting, the statement added.

Meanwhile, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar on Nov. 8 received the Jeffrey and Satterfield, said the National Defense Ministry.

A meeting was held in the capital Ankara between Turkish and U.S. delegations headed by Deputy Defense Minister Yunus Emre Karaosmanoğlu and Jeffrey, said a ministry statement.

“During the meeting, issues regarding the agreement signed with the U.S. on Oct. 17, 2019 were discussed” -- a deal having to do with Turkey’s anti-terrorist operation in northern Syria launched on Oct. 9 -- the statement said.

At the end of the delegations’ meeting, Akar received Jeffrey and Satterfield, it added.