Turkish universities in list of rankings

Boğaziçi University ranked in the 461-470 category in the ranking.
Nine Turkish universities were listed among the world’s 800 top universities this year, in an authoritative list of international university rankings published on Sept. 10. However, no Turkish university was named among list of best 400 universities, compiled by QS World University Rankings.Bilkent University was ranked in the 431-440 bracket. Middle East Technical University was ranked in the 431-440 bracket. Boğaziçi University was ranked in the 461-470 category.
Sabancı University and Koç University maintained the same rankings as last year, in the 501-550 category. Istanbul Technical University was ranked in the 551-600 category. Hacettepe University was ranked in the 601-650 bracket. Istanbul University was ranked in the 651-700 category, while Çukurova University was ranked in the 701+ category. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) topped the QS rankings for the second year running, while Harvard University displaced Britain’s Cambridge University to take the second spot in the 2013 table, Agence France-Presse reported.
U.S. institutions made up six of the top 10, with the remaining four places being filled by British universities. The QS rankings included a record number of U.K. institutions in the top 20, with Edinburgh and King’s College London making their first appearances. According to the study, graduates from Oxford and Cambridge were the most employable in the world.