Turkish singer Nilüfer draws attention to cancer with a concert

Turkish singer Nilüfer draws attention to cancer with a concert

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Nilüfer sings on the stage with the Awareness Choir for cancer fighters. AA photo

Turkish pop music singer Nilüfer, who has been treated for breast cancer and recovered, performed her songs with 40 women who underwent the same treatment with her. She took to the stage on April 28 with the Awareness Choir, which was formed five years ago to draw attention to the importance of early diagnosis in breast cancer and raise awareness among society, at the MEB Şura Hall in Ankara.
Speaking before the concert, she said that it was very important for her to share the same stage with women who had recovered from cancer, adding that singing was the best way to overcome problems during and after the treatment process.

Early diagnosis

“To raise awareness is very important for early diagnosis. All of us are here as people who had the same experience. Always think of being successful and healthy because life is really beautiful,” Nilüfer said.

One of the songs in the concert was performed by the founder of the Awareness Choir and singer Pınar Ayhan. She performed a song from her own album.

She said that the choir had been trained by Sevda Cenap and Music Foundation chief conductor Cihan Can since 2008, adding that the choir had toured to raise awareness and was continuing with successful projects. She said that the women in the choir had been looking forward to taking the stage with Nilüfer for a long time. “They told me to give a concert with Nilüfer a year ago. It was the dream of our team.

Ayhan said that they thought that Nilüfer had become a volunteer member of the choir, adding she hoped that they would give a concert every year from now on.

Ayhan said that she had founded the choir to make a difference to society through art.

The Nilüfer concert with the Awareness Choir was scheduled on April 1 but two hours before the beginning of the concert, a stage worker fell from a high platform and died while working for the concert. The concert was then postponed to a later date.