Turkish salmon tops aquatic export chart

Turkish salmon tops aquatic export chart



Turkish salmon emerged as the leading aquatic export of the country last year, raking in $312.2 million in revenue.

According to the official figures, Turkish salmon led the pack in terms of profitability, surpassing both sea bass, which generated $270.2 million, and sea bream, with earnings of $279.3 million in 2022.

These figures were achieved through exports of 43,700 tons of Turkish salmon, 44,400 tons of sea bass and 61,300 tons of sea bream.

Türkiye's aquatic export sector generated $1.65 billion in revenue from exports to a diverse range of 103 countries. Russia took the lead as the largest importer, contributing $296.8 million to the revenue stream. Italy followed closely behind with $179.1 million, while England, the Netherlands and Greece also featured prominently with export revenues.

Meanwhile, Türkiye's aquaculture production hit 850,000 tons in 2022. Of this, 90.1 percent came from marine sources, while the remainder was obtained from inland waters.