Turkish Parliament recesses until post-election meeting

Turkish Parliament recesses until post-election meeting

Turkish Parliament recesses until post-election meetingTurkish Parliament recesses until post-election meeting

The Turkish Parliament has gone to recess due to looming simultaneous presidential and parliamentary polls slated to take place on May 14.

With a decision taken by all the political parties that have a parliamentary representation, the Parliament ended the 27th term until after the elections that will determine its new 600 members of parliament.

“I have witnessed very fruitful legislative works with our friends at the 27th term Parliament and good discussions in line with the credibility of the Turkish Grand National Assembly,” deputy leader of the Good (İYİ) Party, Müsavat Dervişoğlu, said in his farewell statement to the parliament late on April 6.

This Parliament has lived through difficult times during the COVID-19 pandemic and lately two devastating earthquakes, Dervişoğlu said, also recalling that it is the centennial of the foundation of the Republic of Türkiye.

“This term of the parliament has a place in history as it coincides with the centennial of our republic,” deputy parliamentary group leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Muhammed Levent Bülbül underlined.

Deputy parliamentary group leader of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Meral Daniş Beştaş stressed that her party will be represented under the title of the Green Left Party in the next parliament. “The HDP with all its voters, alliances and associates are at the Green Left. We will undertake the change with the Green Left,” she said.

The 28th term Parliament will convene three days after the Supreme Election Board (YSK) will approve the outcome of the parliamentary elections.