Turkish municipal worker shot during Istanbul demolition

Turkish municipal worker shot during Istanbul demolition

Hurriyet Daily News with wires

refid:11634712 ilişkili resim dosyası

The dwellings were erected just before the March 29 local elections. Demolition teams from the Istanbul Greater Municipality and the Umraniye Municipality arrived early in the morning with heavy police support to prevent serious opposition from locals, but major scuffles broke out as demolition vehicles neared.

As wrecking works began, an operator of demolition vehicle was shot at four times and hit in the neck and leg by two bullets. Police at the scene detained a suspect they identified as the shooter. The driver of the vehicle was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was recovering from his injuries.

Police detained a number of locals attempting to prevent the demolition works as the municipal squads knocked down the illegally built dwellings.

Illegal construction before elections is a widespread phenomenon in Turkey, where owners hope municipalities will turn a blind eye in return for election support.

The demolition crews left the neighborhood at noon after completing their work.

Photo: AA