Turkish, Indonesian companies sign deals cooperating on defense

Turkish, Indonesian companies sign deals cooperating on defense

ANKARA - Anadolu Agency
Turkey’s leading defense companies Aselsan and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI, also known as TUSAŞ) signed a deal with the Indonesian companies PT Dirgantara and PT Len on July 6 to collaborate on defense products.

The two companies signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the capital Ankara, in the presence of Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Nurettin Canikli, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci and Indonesian Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita to create a framework for further collaboration.

The content of the agreement was not disclosed.

Meanwhile, Karpowership Indonesia, part of the Turkish energy group Karadeniz Holding, and the Indonesian shipbuilding company PT PAL also signed an agreement for strategic cooperation.

The Indonesian President Joko Widodo said even though the two countries are geographically far apart, people in Indonesia are becoming familiar with Turkey, its history and society through popular Turkish television series.

“I am aware Turkey is a hub for the region. Similarly, Indonesia is the largest economy in southeast Asia with the fourth-largest population in the world,” Widodo said during the meeting attended by 25 CEOs of Turkish companies that operate in the defense, energy and shipping industries.  

The Indonesian president called for the business community from his country to use Turkey as a hub.    
Widodo said he had agreed with Erdogan to begin negotiations for a free trade agreement between the two countries. 

“We are keen to capitalize on this momentum to give a big, new push for trade and investment in both directions. I believe it is very clear that the two countries should be doing so much more together,” he added.

Ömer Cihad Vardan, the head of Turkey’s Foreign Economic Relations Board, said businesspeople from both countries could cooperate with other countries, especially in Asia.