Turkish-Hungarian friendship monument opened in Trabzon

The Turkish-Hungarian friendship monument has been inaugurated in the northern province of Trabzon with a colorful ceremony in a bid to strengthen the historical and cultural friendship between the two countries.
In 1994, after the Hungarian authorities erected a monument in memory of Ottoman Sultan Süleyman in Szigetvar, Hungary, where he died in battle, a Turkish-Hungarian friendship park was also established in Trabzon, his birthplace.
On July 12, a friendship monument was also unveiled in the park, further deepening the cultural bonds.
The opening ceremony began with Turkish and Hungarian national anthems, followed by a folk-dance performance and a concert by a traditional Ottoman military band.
"In 1994, in honor of Süleyman, a shared value between Hungary and us, a monument and a friendship park were established in Szigetvar. This year, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of this friendly relations between Trabzon and Szigetvar," Trabzon Mayor Murat Zorluoğlu stated during his speech at the ceremony.
"I wholeheartedly believe that the Turkish-Hungarian friendship monument we inaugurate today and this beautiful park will contribute to the positive relations between both countries and cities," he added.
Umut Durbakayım, the honorary consul of Hungary in Trabzon, also stated that Türkiye and Hungary are two countries with many common values in the field of history and culture.