Turkish housewife convinces judge with dirty glass

Turkish housewife convinces judge with dirty glass

Sevim Üçgül, a housewife from the Aegean province of Aydın, has won a two-year legal battle against a dishwasher maker - after serving the case’s judge tea in an unclean glass. 

Üçgül said she bought a machine in 2011 for 1,440 liras, as the seller had convinced her that it was superior to cheaper rival brands, daily Hürriyet reported.

However, after the machine failed to properly clean dishes, she applied to the company. The company sent repairers to her house five times, insisting on not changing the machine. A consumer rights court later found Üçgül right, but the company objected to the decision, carrying to case to a regular court. 

During a home inspection as part of the trial, two years after she placed her initial legal complaint, Üçgül offered the judge and the judicial team tea, in a clever move to convince them that she was right. 

The judge in the case ordered the producer of the dishwasher to pay back the price of the dishwasher, plus interest, in addition to court expenses.