Turkish FM Davutoğlu 'confident of nation’s support' for his policies

Turkish FM Davutoğlu 'confident of nation’s support' for his policies


Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu says he 'does not expect appreciation from the opposition, but only from the Turkish people.' DAILY NEWS photo, Selahattin SÖNMEZ

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu struck a confident tone after criticism from opposition parties of the government’s shaping of Turkey’s foreign policy, referring to the Justice and Development’s Party’s (AKP) three electoral victories and saying this "shows the nation’s support for the government’s foreign policy."

During Dec. 15 debates on the Foreign Ministry’s budget for the 2014 fiscal year, Davutoğlu was targeted over many items including policy on Cyprus, possible rapprochement with Armenia, and the conflict in neighboring Syria.

Following a self-assured introductory speech from Davutoğlu, main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Osman Korutürk took the stage and described him as “the most unsuccessful foreign minister among them all.”

Korutürk, a veteran retired diplomat, said that from Davutoğlu's words it would seem that Turkey is moving from one foreign policy success to another. He sarcastically advised the foreign minister to "resign at the height of his success."

In response, the foreign minister said "the nation's" words were more important than those of the CHP deputy.

“Korutürk may find me unsuccessful, but this is not important at all. What matters is who the nation finds successful. Even in European democracies, there is no such example of success in three general elections, two referendums and two local elections. Behind this [success], there is democracy, economic development and foreign policy that makes people stand tall with honor,” Davutoğlu said, stressing that he was elected to Parliament in 2011 with a record number of votes from his hometown Konya.

“We do not expect appreciation from you [Korutürk], but our people are appreciative,” he said.