Turkish Finance Minister contacts with investors

Turkish Finance Minister contacts with investors

NEW YORK - Anatolia News Agency
Turkey needs long-term and stable resources for strong and sustainable growth, the finance minister said in comments regarding talks he’s been having with U.S. investors.

Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek shared details of meetings organized yesterday in New York by U.S.-based Bank of America Merrill Lynch in which 400 investors and fund managers attended. “We have been making a continuous effort to stimulate local and global sources to increase the investments and employment in Turkey,” he said, adding that he has been contacting fund managers and investors in groups or one-by-one as part of these efforts.Investors’ interest in Turkey and in 30 Turkish companies attending the conferences was substantially high, he said.

The biggest concern of foreign investors was that the possible drivers might hamper Turkey’s outstanding outlook, Şimşek said.