Turkish family finds dentures in bread

Turkish family finds dentures in bread


A Turkish family in southwestern Turkey was shocked to find half of a pair of dentures when they cut into their loaf of bread during breakfast, local media reported on July 3.

“Why did you put your dentures inside the bread?” Hüseyin Töngül from the Seydikemer district of the Muğla province asked his wife Gülümser Töngül angrily.

However, the dentures were not owned by the 60-year-old woman, who was feeding the family’s sheep in the adjacent stable when her husband began having breakfast at home.

“My own dentures were already in my mouth. They had probably fallen out of the mouth of a worker at the local bakery while they were making the bread,” his wife told local media.

“These dentures are worth around 2,000 Turkish Liras. The owner can come and get them from me,” the woman added helpfully while holding the loaf of bread as is.