Turkish Cyprus could add state in its name

Turkish Cyprus could add state in its name


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Turkish Cyprus leader Derviş Eroğlu said if a solution is not achieved in the island, they would continue with a new constitution, new laws and my even change the official name of northern Cyprus, now the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC).”

New name possibilities include the “Northern Cyprus Turkish State,” or “Northern Turkish State,” said Eroğlu, daily Milliyet reported. Greek Cyprus leader Demetris Christofias said talks for a Cyprus settlement are not going well due to Turkey’s continued threats against Greek side of the island because of its natural gas exploration in eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus news agency reported. The U.N.-led peace talks are facing difficulties, he said.

He said Turkey’s Cyprus policy does not serve Turkish Cypriots’ interests. “Turkey sees the Turkish Cypriots as second class people in an effort to change the demographic character not only of the Turkish Cypriot community but also of Cyprus as a whole.”