Turkish and Greek Cypriots link arms to protest planned Russian nuclear plant

Turkish and Greek Cypriots link arms to protest planned Russian nuclear plant


Protesters are urging the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot authorities to step up their protests against a nuclear power plant Russia is building on Turkey’s Mediterranean coastline.

Around 250 Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot protesters on April 26 linked arms across a 250-foot (75-meter) stretch of the United Nations controlled buffer zone splitting the capital Nicosia to protest against the plant they say could pose a grave threat to Cyprus and the region because it will be built in a seismic region, the Associated Press reported.

The Greek Cyprus government should have the EU take up the issue with Turkey, which aims to join the bloc, Greek Cypriot Charalambos Theopemptou said.

Many Turkish Cypriots know the risks and oppose the plant, but their leaders must end their silence and speak out, Şener Elçil, General Secretary of KTOS, the Turkish Cypriot Primary Teachers Trade Union said.