Turkish ambassador to Baghdad visit Mosul

Turkish ambassador to Baghdad visit Mosul


Türkiye’s Ambassador to Baghdad,Anıl Bora İnan has paid a visit to the Iraqi city of Mosul and hold talks with the governor, deliberating on Türkiye-Iraq relations and the city's developmental trajectory.

As part of Mosul's revitalization, İnan visited key projects involving Turkish enterprises, including a hospital and airport, closely observing the progress of ongoing works.

During his visit, İnan also toured the historic Nuri Mosque, which had been ravaged by the terrorist organization ISIL and has been under restoration for the past five years, along with the district housing churches and cultural centers in the old Mosul area.

İnan further held consultations with the Mosul branch of the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITC), assessing the situation of the Turkmen community in the city.

In a joint press briefing held at the Mosul Governorate, both Ambassador İnan and Governor Abdulkadir al-Dehil, expressed positive outcomes of the meeting.

İnan remarked that it was his first visit to Mosul since assuming his post in Baghdad in June. He highlighted the discussions surrounding the potential contributions to Mosul's development, with representatives from the Turkish ministries.

The ambassador extended an invitation to the governor to visit Türkiye, reiterating Ankara’s longstanding support for Mosul and its people,” not only in the past but also moving forward, with a focus on fostering stability, development and prosperity in the region.”

The governor, for his part, voiced deep appreciation for the ambassador’s visit and underlined the cultural, social and shared values that bind Iraq and Türkiye.