Turkish Airlines chair informs international journalists about coup attempt

Turkish Airlines chair informs international journalists about coup attempt


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Turkish Airlines (THY) has invited foreign journalists to Istanbul in order to tell them about the July 15 failed coup attempt, believed to have been masterminded by the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ).

THY chair İlker Aycı talked about the events that unfolded on the night of the failed seizure of power to a total of 120 journalists from 18 countries. 

Aycı’s speech was translated into Russian, Chinese and English.

Aycı said the movement of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen was active in many countries, including the countries of the journalists who attended the meeting.

“We are recommending you watch out for these schools existing in your education system,” he said, adding that on the night of the failed coup bid, THY offered several options to its passengers. 

“We told them to go to their hotels and rest. We changed the tickets of the ones unwilling to fly. We also returned the money of the passengers who cancelled their tickets without penalty,” he also said.