Turkey’s top military brass remains same

Turkey’s top military brass remains same

Turkey’s top military brass remains sameTurkey’s top military brass remains same

Turkey has not changed the composition of the top military brass of the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) on July 23 after the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting.

 YAŞ was convened to discuss promotions and dismissals of the high-ranking military personnel under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and with the participation of key civilian and military officials.

“The historical achievements we have achieved on different fronts, from Syria to Libya, from the Eastern Mediterranean to the fight against terrorism, reveal the strength of our country and the capabilities of our army,” Erdoğan wrote on the Special Book in Anıtkabir ahead of the Turkey’s Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting.

The tenure of Air Forces Commander Gen. Hasan Küçükakyüz and Navy Commander Adm. Adnan Özbal have been extended for a second time in the past two years, while the term of duty for Land Forces Commander Gen. Ümit Dündar has been extended by one year for the first time.

The tenure of 35 generals and admirals were extended by one year, and the terms of duty for 294 colonels were extended by two years.

Within the scope of the decisions, 17 generals and admirals were promoted to a higher rank, 51 colonels promoted to generals and admirals.

“The historical achievements we have achieved on different fronts, from Syria to Libya, from the Eastern Mediterranean to the fight against terrorism, reveal the strength of our country and the capabilities of our army,” Erdoğan wrote on the Special Book in Anıtkabir ahead of the meeting.

Thirty generals and admirals have retired due to a lack of positions. The number of generals and admirals, which is 226 at the moment, will be 247 as of Aug. 30.

Deputy Chief of the Turkish General Staff, Lieutenant General Metin Gürak, was promoted to become a four-star general and Vice Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu from the Naval Forces Command was promoted to become a full admiral.